Automated stripe coat application to floating offshore foundations
Stripe coat application to weld seams, free edges, bolts and other difficult-to-coat areas is costly and labor-intensive. For large structures, the automation of this process is a promising innovative approach to accelerate coating processes and to reduce costs, materials and resources.
The following issues were addressed in the OWSplus project:
– Integration of an electrostatic painting device into the application process.
– Introduction and optimization of a robot for the stripe coat application process.
– Investigation of coverage rates and dry film distributions over weld seams and bolts.
Fundings: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Main partners: Fraunhofer IGP
Contact: Dr. Andreas Momber
Figure 1
Coating deterioration and corrosion at edges, welds, bolts and difficult-to-spray areas.
Figure 2
Video freeze frame of the robot application process in Muehlhan’s testing facility.
Figure 3
Polished cross section images from a coated steel plate with welded fillets after coating.
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