Passive Fire Protection
Safety first
Whether you’re onshore or offshore, passive fire protection remains a crucial component of any project. Passive fire protection is vital for safety, keeping key areas accessible during emergencies. We provide top-notch technologies, tools, and a skilled team to ensure your project meets the highest standards.
Cementitious Coatings
When cementitious coatings are subjected to heat or fire, they release retained water to limit fire spread and absorb heat. These coatings are primarily used in applications where visual aspects of the coating are not crucial.
Intumescent Fireproofing
Upon exposure to heat or fire, intumescent fireproofing transforms into a thick liquid film and expands, creating an insulating foam layer that absorbs heat. This coating method is typically employed in applications where aesthetics are important.
Get in touch
At Muehlhan, we provide industrial services in more than 30 countries worldwide – we have a global presence but local roots.